

Name: Project Chloroplast (lovingly called Phosphie)
Type: Dragon/Electric
HP: 256 pts
Height: 5’4” (64 inches)
Weight: 256lbs
Cost: 2x Grass, 1x Metal, 1x Electricity

Lore – Phosphie may not look like it, but they’re actually a robot; created deep within an underground lab, and mistakenly released some years ago. It was designed to be a fully sentient robot powered by the sun, and the engineers and scientists who designed them took inspiration from plant life. Some of their leaflike scales contain photovoltaic cells, which take in sunlight and convert it to electrical energy, as do their dragonflyesque wings. Researchers have noted that they are capable of mimicking natural grass-type moves.

Phosphen are naturally extremely curious creatures, which often gets them into trouble— and since their metal frames are durable, they don’t often learn from those mistakes. That said, they have a deep respect of nature, and seem to get along with the animals and plants with whom they cohabitate. While they are capable of flight, they rarely do so, as it uses much of their energy.

Phosphen hate captivity. A Phosphie who consents to being stored in a pokéball is a rare exception; most prefer to walk alongside their trainers, if they choose to have a trainer at all.

Game ability – Any grass type moves they learn become electric type moves!

TCG Ability – Phosphie passively generates energy from the sun. On any turn, turn a colorless energy card into an electric energy card.

Attacks/Moves –

  • Mechanical Spirit. 2x Metal, 1x Grass. Phosphie speaks the language of machines, rallying allies and convincing opponents to be friendly. Any machine-type Pokémon on the opponent’s side is unable to attack Phosphie. Any machine-type Pokémon on the player’s side gains ÷2 resistance on all incoming damage for the next turn.
  • Rain Energy. 1x Water. Phosphie loves the rain! They love it so much that they’ll take any water energy you have and turn it into energy anyone can use! (Outputs one Rainbow (wild) energy in exchange for one water energy)
  • Energized Razor Leaf. 1x Grass, 1x Electricity. Phosphie shoots their leaflike scales towards the enemy for 60 damage.

Resistances – ÷2 Metal, Grass, Water, Psychic, Fighting Weaknesses – ×2 Electricity, Dark, Fire

Evolution – Being a robot, most believe it has no evolution.




Name: Project Chloroplast (lovingly called Phosphie)
Type: Dragon/Electric
HP: 256 pts
Height: 5’4” (64 inches)
Weight: 256lbs
Cost: 2x Grass, 1x Metal, 1x Electricity

Lore – Phosphie may not look like it, but they’re actually a robot; created deep within an underground lab, and mistakenly released some years ago. It was designed to be a fully sentient robot powered by the sun, and the engineers and scientists who designed them took inspiration from plant life. Some of their leaflike scales contain photovoltaic cells, which take in sunlight and convert it to electrical energy, as do their dragonflyesque wings. Researchers have noted that they are capable of mimicking natural grass-type moves.

Phosphen are naturally extremely curious creatures, which often gets them into trouble— and since their metal frames are durable, they don’t often learn from those mistakes. That said, they have a deep respect of nature, and seem to get along with the animals and plants with whom they cohabitate. While they are capable of flight, they rarely do so, as it uses much of their energy.

Phosphen hate captivity. A Phosphie who consents to being stored in a pokéball is a rare exception; most prefer to walk alongside their trainers, if they choose to have a trainer at all.

Game ability – Any grass type moves they learn become electric type moves!

TCG Ability – Phosphie passively generates energy from the sun. On any turn, turn a colorless energy card into an electric energy card.

Attacks/Moves –

  • Mechanical Spirit. 2x Metal, 1x Grass. Phosphie speaks the language of machines, rallying allies and convincing opponents to be friendly. Any machine-type Pokémon on the opponent’s side is unable to attack Phosphie. Any machine-type Pokémon on the player’s side gains ÷2 resistance on all incoming damage for the next turn.
  • Rain Energy. 1x Water. Phosphie loves the rain! They love it so much that they’ll take any water energy you have and turn it into energy anyone can use! (Outputs one Rainbow (wild) energy in exchange for one water energy)
  • Energized Razor Leaf. 1x Grass, 1x Electricity. Phosphie shoots their leaflike scales towards the enemy for 60 damage.

Resistances – ÷2 Metal, Grass, Water, Psychic, Fighting Weaknesses – ×2 Electricity, Dark, Fire

Evolution – Being a robot, most believe it has no evolution.

Character Sketches